I've mounted the potrait stamp. Sawed the wood, sanded it smooth, stamped the image as a guide on top, paint the sides black and then sprayed the lacquer on. I should be putting something between the eraser and the wood but I didnt remember what it was hahahahhaha! So I just slap on the contact adhesive and put the two together. It will be sent to my friend soon.
I've been meaning to practise my word carving and managed to carve my handwriting at 4cm x 1cm in size. I think that is not fine enough just yet. Anyway, I mounted that one as well but minus all the paint and all.
For practising purpose, I used one of Mangosteenskin's design (but of course her carvings are amazing and mine is just a beginner) and the results are as below. The first one, I was using only the pointy craft knife and I cut all corners but the second one, I used the V-gouge, barely making a dent on the surface so the ridges are not quite prominent. BUT you can see I purposely left the middle part bare for the wordings (which I suck big time hahahahhah!).
Today is Sunday but I still have one more day off work because tomorrow is still a holiday for Federal Territory. How awesome to have Monday OFF!!!! wuhoooooo!!!!
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