Thumbsized stamps. In metrics the maximum diameter is 23mm (the rose). The rest are either 21mm or below.
They are carved on standard issue erasers, and mounted on cute plastic handles. Harga setiap satu kurang daripada sepuluh ringgit. Email me for prices. Have a good weekend! :)
Note: The plastic handles are limited to this 4 stamps only, any reproduction will have a different handle, thus different price.
October 9, 2011 at 1:55 AM
U kira mcm mana for each stamp? Cutenyaaa, mcm berminat lah nk order if the price is reasonable
October 10, 2011 at 9:29 AM
Hi Cik Ainaa :)
Harga stamp saya takde yg standard. Setiap satu bergantung kepada saiznya, apa imej/teks yang nak diukir, tahap kerumitan dan kehalusan ukiran yang diperlukan.
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