Apart from the previous headshot stamp, these 3 are also waiting to be completed and mounted. The rest are still in the queue. Djarikreatif is using my own handwriting, which explains the unconventional look of the font. I'll be working with the magnifier tonight for the text parts. School holidays are filled with weddings and feasts.. so there goes my weekends.
Update 13 June, 2011: All stamps have been completed; MU Stamp has been added with a name underneath, "djarikreatif" has been added with its blog address, and I've mounted all that has been carved, except for a new thumbnail order. That will be done tonight once I get back from work. All packages will be let loose in the Poslaju system Tuesday night or Wednesday.
Update 14 June 2011:
I got back after Maghrib yesterday. Kemas2 rumah yg tgh buat porch renovation (tapi habuknya satu rumah uhuk uhuk) and settle apa yg patut. Lepas tu saya dah buat 4 kotak malam tadi before terasa sgt letih dan retired to sleep. Hari ni nak bungkus2 stamp mana2 yg dah siap utk dihantar hari Rabu.
Update 24 June 2011:
Posted: Nani, Aida, Azura, Nurzayana.
In Progress: Nasha
On Standby: Hafiz, Amira, Mastura, Nina
Hi :)Hope you are all good and standing tall. Euphoria Craftwork is not resuming operation any time soon. I'm currently looking at other business models that would minimize my carving hours and my use of electrical handheld machines. Future product: Custom-size rubberstamps (machine-produced)
-Euphy. 12 April 2016 -
Previous carvings:
July 14, 2011 at 11:08 AM
hai..sy minat dgn handmade stamp ni utk wedding..nak tau hrga utk satu brape ek?
pls email me : marvelooslinja@yahoo.vom
July 14, 2011 at 11:27 PM
hi Lin, I've emailed you. Kindly check. tq
July 15, 2011 at 2:51 PM
Hye.. Cantik2 semuanya.
Saya nk dptkan stamp mcm tulisan "djari..." tu, bleh?
July 19, 2011 at 8:13 AM
Hedaya :) your stamp is completed. Will be posting it after work tonight.
July 20, 2011 at 8:51 PM
sy juga berminat dgn handmade stamp utk wedding. price 4 ur stamp berapa ye satu ? kindly please email me @ mysoulmatelove@ymail.com ^_^
tq sgt2!
July 21, 2011 at 9:31 AM
hi anonymous :), I've emailed you.. Kindly check :)
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